Mesure Température et Pression BMP085

Voici comment utiliser le BMP085 avec le LaunchPad.



LaunchPad     BMP085

P1.6  =>         I2C SCL

P1.7 =>         I2C SDA

Vcc  =<          Vcc

GND =>         GND


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ReadSensor - Basic example of using I2C-based template library for Bosch BMP085 digital pressure sensor.

  Created by Adrian Studer, April 2013.

  Distributed under MIT License, see license.txt for details.  


#include <Wire.h>          // required by BMP085 library

#include <BMP085_t.h>      // import BMP085 template library

BMP085<0> PSensor;         // instantiate sensor, 0 = low precision pressure reading

void setup()


 Serial.begin(9600);      // initialize serial, used to display readings in Serial Monitor

 Wire.begin();            // initialize I2C that connects to sensor

 PSensor.begin();         // initalize pressure sensor


void loop()


 PSensor.refresh();                    // read current sensor data

 PSensor.calculate();                  // run calculations for temperature and pressure

 Serial.print("Temperature: ");        

 Serial.print(PSensor.temperature/10);  // display temperature in Celsius


 Serial.print(PSensor.temperature%10);  // display temperature in Celsius

 Serial.write(176); // caractère °


 Serial.print("Pressure:    ");

 Serial.print((PSensor.pressure+50)/100);   // display pressure in hPa


 delay(5000);                          // wait a while before next loop


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Mise à jour 18/12/2013

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